ALIVE AND DANGEROUS Documentary Review by Eternal Terror Webzine.
Thanks for the great review. Reviewed by Anmeldt av Jens Nepper on Eternal Terror Webzine. ALIVE AND DANGEROUS Documentary is a film by Anthony White. (Whitewashed Films, 2017)

The short documentary entitled "Brian Downey: Alive and Dangerous" by film maker Anthony White is a great and charming feature on legendary drummer Brian Downey's relatively new outfit consisting of the talented guitarists Phil Edgar and Brian Grace along with bassist/lead vocalist Matt Wilson. In terms of structure and composition, the movie is quite simple in that it alternates between footage of the Brian Downey band performing on stage and in-depth interviews with each member of the aforementioned ensemble.
It immediately becomes clear that Downey and his insanely skilled cohorts are passionate about and devoted to this new musical endeavor of theirs. On top of that, the live footage is superb in that it manages to evoke a sense of something intimate and up-close while simultaneously showing just how fabolous the band sounds and how much of that original Thin Lizzy feel and spirit is present when these guys launch into timeless cuts such as "Warriors" and "Massacre". Watching Brian Downey in action is pure bliss; he is and always will be one of the greatest drummers of all time and he has lost none of his drive or energy, that is for damn sure. Alive and Dangerous is simply put a most proper name for the band as this collective of musicians is definitely firing on all cylinders.
The band has lined up a whole bunch of European tour dates in September and October this year (as well as a special gig in London in late November), so mark those dates down and make sure you attend one of those gigs. Judging from this excellent documentary flick, these guys will blow you away with their sheer talent and emotionally charged playing. "Brian Downey: Alive and Dangerous" is only half an hour long, so there is no excuse not to head on over to YouTube right this fucking minute and watch White's excellent piece on the band now. I just wish that the film was longer, but that is simply testament to how cool I think this little gem is.Not to be missed if you are into Thin Lizzy!
This is the Documentary.